It's me, Hi!
I’m Julie, and I'm over the moon that you've made it to my little corner of the internet

Curious what got me here?
Tap here to read about my education, credentials, and training.
I'm enchanted to meet you.
Something I love more than anything in the world is getting to know you and helping you illuminate and live in the magical stories your Soul came here to tell the world.
Do you love witnessing people who fully express their heart's deepest stories too? If so, then you're in the right place.
You might be here wondering what the heck it is I do or call myself.
I’ve had a LOT of titles and roles in my career. But I still haven’t found one that feels right.
Clients call me a Truth Illuminator, Soul Storyteller, Warm Hug Giver, Safe Haven, Metaphor Queen, Fountain of Writing, and Soul Sister.
I love all of those. But I’d argue it’s more than that. Do you ever feel like you can't sum yourself up into one title or label? If so, welcome to the club.
For nearly 16 years I have helped clients see that the label you put on yourself is the least important part of your Story.
Because labels invite you to conform to someone else’s prefabricated story about who or what you are.
A label might give you an “ah, there it is, that's who I am” sigh of relief at first. But soon after, it starts to feel like an itchy sweater that no longer fits you.

The truth is — who you are — your Identity — and what you are here for — your Purpose — is hidden within the crevices and pockets of your innermost stories -- your Soul's Story.
This Story also includes the recipe for where and with whom you belong. More on that in a bit.
Hidden behind all your labels - professional, business owner, spouse, partner, daughter, sister, mom, friend, neighbor ... are the Stories you usually lock away from people — due to familial conditioning, religious beliefs, gender beliefs, professional expectations, or simply so you don’t get cancelled or become the person everyone talks about when you leave the room.
These are the Stories you edit, filter, or censor so that you can adhere to what's expected of the label and therefore maintain connection with people with whom you interact inside of that label.
I get why you do that. I did it too. Sometimes I still find myself doing it.
But you don’t have to hide your stories behind any labels with me.
I know deeply that your filtered and edited and hidden away Stories are the BEST parts of you. And inside those stories are who you really are, what you're here to do in this lifetime, and with whom you're meant to spend the most of your precious time.
Those things were once hidden in my own stories, too. And since I'm guessing you're here to discover more about me, then I'm going to illuminate some of those stories for you now.
So cozy up, grab a cuppa, and let’s dig in.

I’m equal parts mad scientist, sensitive intuitive empath, whimsical goofball, tortured storyteller/poet, dog and plant mom, writing fountain, tree hugger, wildflower frolicker, map reader, foodie, rain puddle splasher, and muddy bike and world adventurer … with an added adoration for anything that oozes sophistication.
Just ask me about my bucket list of majestic libraries across the globe, my bejeweled lilac Valentinos, my obsession with rivers and glaciers, and my love for high tea.
But I didn’t always tell these parts of my story. In fact, I often believed these parts of me were “too much” for most people. They didn't fit neatly into the labels people expected me to wear.
Too nerdy. Too high of standards. Too good at sports. Too quiet. Too sensitive. Too intense. Too playful. Too many interests.
Are there any places in your life where those weird, nerdy, quirky, intense, or sensitive parts of you seem "too much" for some people, so you hide them away, overexplain them, or filter and censor them?
If so- nice to meet you, where you been?
For me, a deeply challenging experience with Cancer uncovered the truth — these hidden "too much" parts were essential to making me feel fully alive.
These parts were all front and center when I was little — I was the precocious kid reading billboards out loud from my carseat at age 3, writing books and poems at age 9, and making art for local shows by age 11.
But something started to shift as early as age 3, when I found my first true love — the swimming pool.

Back then, all I wanted to do was keep up with my older sister, even if I couldn't swim. One day I just jumped right in and proceeded to sink directly to the bottom.
The sting and burn of water flooded my nose as my mom jumped in to lift me out.
I immediately learned that fully LIVING was a matter of
Sink or Swim.
That day, I sank. Every day after that, I swam. Literally and figuratively.
A Sink or Swim philosophy to life was born.
As a highly decorated, competitive swimmer, I was no good at first – sinking and running head first into the wall.
But by middle and high school, I was nationally ranked, traveling the US, and earning a coveted slot at Duke as a decorated student-athlete.
When I was feeling fully alive — I’d shine in the pool, at school, or as the happy-go-lucky girl next door who immersed herself in puzzles and art and playing in the mud.
I received plenty of praise and admiration, mostly from grown-ups.
But the problem with Sink or Swim was — the more I swam to great heights — the more isolated, lonely, misunderstood, and disconnected I felt from my peers.
This looked like
Having my lunch and pencils stolen by 4th graders for being the only kid in the gifted class
Being told by a female classmate that I’d never date because men would be intimidated by my intelligence, intensity, sensitivity, and aptitude
Overhearing swim teammates "joke" in the locker room that I could be smart, good at swimming, pretty, or popular — but I couldn’t be all of those things ​
Sink or Swim - it seemed all that swimming was “too much” for most of of my peers
Adults and mentors would say my peers were just jealous of all the ways I seemed to rise to the top. Therefore, I should be grateful for what they were jealous about, I should ignore them, and I should just keep swimming.
Sink or swim — I learned that swimming way beyond my peers was winning, and sinking to their level was losing.
And yet, something gnawed deeply at my heart. Just like any other living and breathing human - I craved the connection and belonging that came from a peer group.
I wasn’t willing to sink away from the levels of success and genius that made me feel fully alive — but I also wasn’t willing to sink away from a deep desire for connection with friends.
Ever the sensitive and empathetic Soul, it hurt me to see that people were feeling hurt by my success and achievements. The last thing I wanted was for anyone to feel pain.
So I found a new way to swim — swimming just fast and far enough to satisfy my zest for life — while also paddling furiously to portray a narrative about myself that was digestible and acceptable to my peers.
This looked like:

In my school years—I'd dumb myself down in group projects so my classmates wouldn't feel insecure around me. I'd downplay my accomplishments to be “just one of the girls." I misspelled words in the spelling bee on purpose so I wouldn't be the winner (i.e. the Loser) who sat alone at lunch. I’d overwork and overstudy to justify why I always aced my exams. It was socially acceptable to attribute to success to "hard work" ... but considered arrogant or narcissistic to simply say "I woke up like this."

In college swimming—a shoulder injury threatened to derail my NCAA career. I hid the fact that I was spending 3 hours a day doing PT in the training room when my teammates accused me of being too intense, caring too much, and encouraged me to "just quit already." I showed up to every practice and swim meet, cheering on the sidelines with ice bags on my shoulders and tears running down my face, just to hang on to my spot on the team.

In my decorated career as a physical therapist — I'd refer clients to colleagues who would get sore when patients chose me over them. I'd give all the credit to mentors who became hostile when I was invited to speak on stages or publish research when they weren't. I'd teach others for little to no extra pay, oftentimes finding that many colleagues simply wanted to take what they could from me without giving much in return.
For decades, I navigated some choppy waters — swimming furiously to stay afloat.
The more I played into the prefabricated narratives, roles, labels, and stories that other people wrote for me - hard working student, loyal teammate, humble and professional colleague - the more I could maintain connection with people.
Sink or swim, I swam and I swam and I swam, thinking it would make me feel more alive.
But as I churned through those waters, the less alive I felt. Literally.

At age 31, a grapefruit-sized tumor had overtaken part of my lung.
I was now literally swimming for my life.
I immediately put on the label of "brave, successful patient."
I designed an unparalleled healing regimen for myself — which included seeking the top oncologists and surgeons to treat the cancer itself, swallowing fistfuls of supplements every day, and engineering an anti-cancer diet that included zero sugar, and flexing my muscles through daily Pilates and strength training.
My tumor quickly shrank as I dotted my I’s and crossed my T’s.
Meanwhile, as I healed, I launched a new physical therapy business that quickly thrived.
People came out of the woodwork to support me and praise me for all the tireless hard work I was putting in to fit the label of "Brave fighter who is beating Cancer."
Sink or swim — it seemed everything was going swimmingly.
But as I swam, a gnawing and sinking grew in my heart.
Another label had been cast upon me:
"Cancer Fighter"

And the more I played in to the prefabricated roles and expectations of someone in the "Sink or Swim" of Cancer treatment, the more people praised me.
It was nice to feel so much connection to people. But something about that didn’t sit right with me.
Questions surfaced from that sinking place in my heart that felt almost too painful to say out loud —

Why was it that people showed up in full support of when I was immersed in weakness, vulnerability, and sickness … yet these same people were hostile or jealous of my strengths and gifts?

Why was it that I was brave and celebrated when I was fighting for my life, but “too much” when I was actually feeling and expressing myself as fully alive?

Why was it that as soon as I started a thriving business while going through cancer treatment and was feeling fully ALIVE living out my Purpose, people told me to calm down, slow down, take it easy, and stop trying so hard?
One spring day, I sat out on my patio meditating and contemplating this as I prepped my mind and body for a 10 hour surgery.
My nostrils flooded with the scent of a nearby jasmine vine.
It reminded me of that day I’d jumped the pool at age 3, nostrils burning with water.
And just like that day, I quickly sank to the bottom.
I began to weep.
A four leaf clover peeked up at me from the pine straw beneath my feet.
I reached down to pick Her, and she whispered
“You have learned that feeling fully alive is a sink or swim thing; sinking signifies losing, and swimming signifies winning.
But being fully alive isn't sink OR swim.
It’s sink AND swim.

If you want to fully LIVE, you need to first Sink.
Sink the story that says you can have Connection ONLY if you conform parts of your Identity and Purpose to fit into the labels, roles, and expectations that others deem acceptable and relatable.
Sink the story that says when you are weak and vulnerable, that’s what makes you worthy of love and support
Sink the story that says the only achievements worthy of praise are those earned by overcoming great adversity, or those where other people can take credit for your success
Sink the story that says that you must use your own gift of empathy against yourself - being able to put yourself in others' shoes and feel what they feel when you see yourself through their lenses ... and therefore believe that how they see you is what is true about yourself.
Then Sink deeply, all the way into the depths of your Soul
There, you’ll find your own Divine Recipe for fully LIVING as who you really are, doing what you were meant to do, and belonging to people who see you as "just right" instead of "too much."
​That Divine Recipe is your Soul’s Story, which will give you the bouyancy to swim fully into Life.
In other words, I had to sink before I could rise.
For weeks, I sank into a cocoon of grief, darkness, and heartache.
As I did, Alchemy ensued.

Instead swimming away from them,
I sank in and made friends with my darkest parts.
And that which I once saw as dark became a gift of light.
Cancer went from being a hated foe to fight against to a charming sidekick to befriend.
Cancer taught me that every time I paddled furiously to craftfully hide my “too much” and expansive parts behind some pre-fabricated label and story that earned me acceptance with friends and family, those parts didn't go away. Instead, they found a way to expand and find life anyway — on the inside in the form of a tumor.
Death went from being the Darkness Reaper to the Angel of Light.
She reminded me that winning isn't based on our ability to avoid sinking into darkness. No, we can’t fully appreciate the light unless we have the backdrop of darkness. With Cancer, I’d swum furiously to avoid the darkness of losing my body. With the rest of my life, I'd swum furiously to avoid the darkness of losing my purpose, identity, and connection to others. But in doing so, I’d swum away from what truly gives me life — sinking into faith, hope, trust, and surrender, and allowing the Divine power of my Soul to define who I am, what I'm here to do, and to whom I belong.
To many people — Cancer — and Life itself — appears to be a Sink or Swim battle to escape Death.
It took Cancer for me to see that the thing we all think we’re battling for is not keeping us away from Death
No it's keeping us away from Life itself.
Weeks and months paths as I finished up radiation, chemo, and surgeries – this time without the "fighter" label plastered all over me.

Instead, I sank away from the labels and into my Soul. I allowed it to tell me how to fully live--which stories to tell about myself. I allowed it to tell me when to fight, when to surrender, and when to let go. And I saw that not only did I need to approach Cancer and my health this way, but I needed to approach all of life this way.
Those weeks and months turned into years, where I slowly but surely allowed my Soul’s Story to emerge in multiple areas of life:
I sank away from the labels of PT and Swimmer
When I lost my swimming career, I felt like I'd lost my identity and my purpose. I pivoted right into helping other swimmers maintain their identity and purpose. Sink or swim, I was swimming vicariously through my patients, trying to shapeshift my Soul into labels that no longer fit who I was. As I officially sank in and grieved, I discovered a true Soul Purpose that evolves and expands as I do. As a result, I’ve helped thousands of people across the globe via multiple types of coaching, which has resulted in my business making a million dollars several years in a row.
I sank trying to control my body in the name of "health and wellness"
This was particularly tricky for someone who once pledged allegiance to healthcare as both a career and source of friendships. I let go of a regimented, evidence based protocol to eat, exercise, sleep, supplement, rest, meditate, and self care in certain “ways” deemed “correct” by labwork, scans, journal articles, or what the latest guru is preaching on Instagram. I chose Knowing over Knowledge. I sank in and trusted my Soul to become the most Divine and wise doctor and healer. As a result — my “incurable” cancer disappeared, and "wellness" is no longer a full time job that makes me feel anything but alive and well. And I've helped my clients do the same for themselves.
As I allowed my Soul's Story to shine - I faced the hardest challenge of all — sinking the transactional friendships that kept me caged inside labels that no longer fit who I was or what I was here to do.
I sank connections with lifelong “friends” who only supported me as long as
I was perceivably weaker than them
I hid the parts of myself that made them jealous or hostile
They could somehow ride my coattails or take credit for my success
Several friends had permeated their way into so many parts of my life, business, family, and community. I'd swum furiously to do whatever it took to maintain our relationship -- after all, that's what a good friend, a humble colleague, and a good leader would do. Yes, even as my body, mind, and spirit eroded amidst its toxicity.
Walking away from this friendship felt like a herculean task. I felt like I was drowning.
As I sank, I saw that there was disappointment, burned bridges, and heartbreak.
But like Cancer - when I sank into the pain, Alchemy ensued. Pain revealed itself as a gift of the Soul.
"When I was drowning, that's when I could finally breathe"
-Taylor Swift​
I sank on the faith and trust that at the very bottom of the Pain, my Soul Story would give me the directions to rise and swim again. And of course, that's exactly what she did.
As I walked away, I took a stand for the younger versions of me who'd been bullied for being gifted, cast out for being smart AND likable AND a great athlete AND artist AND writer AND sensitive Soul...and who felt she must hide or shapeshift or filter those parts, or carry the weight of others' discomfort with my Light - in order to belong.​
I came home to a deep remembrance that it’s not my job to conform and hide my Soul's Purpose and Identity - my Soul's Story - from others who feel blinded around my Light.
I heard the voices of my Soul whisper that I no longer had to shapeshift or conform my expansive and luminous parts into a corset of connection that was two sizes too small.

I was caged in a Conformity Corset.
Just like an actual Corset — it provided an appearance of beauty and support from people all around me — in exchange for hiding and squeezing all of my Aliveness inward with nowhere to go except to create physical, emotional, and spiritual dis-ease.
I'd felt this for years. But it was Cancer that finally got my attention. What a loyal friend she was.
Slowly, I surrendered the Sink or Swim philosophy and I sank into my Soul’s Story.
Sure enough, it provided the bouyancy I needed to feel fully alive in my Identity and Purpose and Connected to friends support me in that full aliveness.
Sinking AND Swimming is Soul Story Alchemy
If you’re a woman who was born exceptional, gifted, Soulful, sensitive, intense, and talented on many levels — you may have felt “too much” for most people at some point.
Maybe you feel that way now.
Chances are, you’ve used your cunning intelligence and beautiful empathy to keenly identify others' discomfort. You've felt their discomfort as your own, and therefore squeezed yourself into your own Conformity Corset – so that you would still reach high levels of success, but only in ways that were “tolerable” and “acceptable” to most of the people around you.
Maybe you've hidden away, filtered, censored, minimized, or even apologized for your gifts, talents, smarts, and sensitivities ...
This was something that I had a really hard time admitting about myself for years.
Sometimes I still feel ashamed about it. There's a voice that whispers "You should be stronger than to let other people's discomfort with your GOOD PARTS dictate how you show up."
And yet - especially as a woman - this was an important survival strategy I learned early on. I learned people - especially other women - are easily threatened by strong, capable, kind, otherwise brilliant women. And because one of our deepest human needs as women is connection and belonging among other women, this internalized misogyny not only called for peers to bully me and try and bring me down, but it also called for me to respond by shrinking and conforming.
So maybe like me, you've felt that deep human need for connection, and you've squired away the parts of you into a Conformity Corset that seem “too much” — too sensitive, too smart, too "woo", too weird, too talented, too all over the place, too sexual, too loud, too quiet, too extroverted, too introverted, too different, too feminine, too masculine, too religious, too spiritual, too agnostic, too conservative, too liberal, too inconsistent ...
Ringing a bell yet?
But somewhere along the way — your Soul has begun to speak up from behind that Corset:
Maybe it’s speaking up through your body — and you’ve tried all sorts of treatments and remedies. You're a star patient who has done everything right …yet you continue to play whack-a-mole with issue after issue.
Maybe it’s speaking up through your job — you feel undervalued and disconnected from your "why." You take on new projects, take courses, find new colleagues, go to conferences and retreats … and yet something gnaws at you asking “Is this it? Is this really as good as it gets? Am I not made for MORE?”
Maybe it’s speaking up through your relationships — there's conflict, a loss of spark, or people are bullying or hostile toward you. Maybe you're feeling like roommates with your spouse or partner. This happens over and over again. You wonder if it's you that is the problem, so you try therapy, coaching, mindfulness, yoga, meditation. Yet no matter how much you heal and change and grow, it doesn’t feel like anyone else is coming along. In fact, you feel like the more you grow, the more distanced you feel from the people you love.
​Or maybe the Universe has thrown a real curveball at you — loss of a loved one, major illness or disease, destruction or loss of a home, or other tragedy. As horrible as these things feel, you know deeply they are a sign to change course and finally listen to what it means to FULLY LIVE.
As much as these things bring great discomfort, you know they're pointing to a deeper meaning.
You know there's a Story crammed inside of you — itching to get out and be told.
Sink or swim, you swim furiously to maintain the prefabricated roles, careers, and responsibilities that are "acceptable" to people inside the Conformity Corset...all to stay connected to people who expect you to maintain those labels and feel threatened by your light.
Yet behind those labels, you feel caged, misunderstood, and longing to authentically and fully live in your Identity and Purpose…while feeling fully Connected to people who celebrate you for being FULLY You.
You're surrounded by people, yet you feel lonely.
You long for the freedom of uncaging your luminous Self, yet you fear the darkness, judgment, and grief that will come if you FULLY express yourself.
You wonder -- Will anyone still be there who truly and unconditionally gets you?
I get this. You're not alone. I asked the exact same question. It's what kept me in the Conformity Corset for decades, trading in my fullest expression of Identity and Purpose for a false sense of connection.
But the truth is...

The only thing more lonely than trading in your Soul for the false connection of the Conformity Corset …
… is the loneliness that comes when you Live fully in your Soul’s Story – and nobody is there to unconditionally celebrate and support you.
You deserve to be surrounded by people who TOTALLY and unconditionally get you.
You can start with me. I get how you're feeling.
And I’m ready and willing to walk beside you as you uncover those hidden parts of you that I know make you fully YOU and fully ALIVE.
For me, as I removed the Corset, I set free the sparkling, light-filled parts of me I’d hidden away — the mad scientist, the sensitive intuitive empath, whimsical goofball, tortured storyteller/poet, dog and plant mom, tree hugger, wildflower frolicker, rain puddle splasher, and muddy bike and world adventurer, the sophisticated high tea connoisseur
Instead of seeing these parts the way I'd been conditioned to see them -- as too much -- I came home to and fell in love with every part.
I saw them as just right. I began to see these parts of me as the very Luminaires — units of the light of my Soul — necessary to fully shine.
And as I shined forth each part of my Soul, they served as a very beacon for other Luminaires to come and fully support and celebrate me.
I got to match my inner Soul Story to how I showed up in my outer life. I sank AND I swam to feel fully alive.
And I attracted in people who felt fully alive seeing me feel fully alive. I was filled with identity, purpose, and connection.
I call this band of people the Luminaire League. I have one, and you'll be able to discover one of your own, too.
Sink the Conformity Corset and swim home to the Luminaire League

A LUMINAIRE is an exceptional woman who is or desires to be:

You're primarily loyal to the needs of your Soul instead of the needs of everyone else
You live wild and free from your deepest desires instead of the roles you’ve been conditioned to play
You embrace the complexity, layers, and nuance in your life instead of picking one lane, one label, or a rigid identity
You own that your passion, empathy, and sensitivity are intelligent gifts to be channeled in the right places instead of pathological problems to be fixed
You unapologetically feel fully at home in your Soul Story AND belong to a Soul-designed girl gang who gets, understands, and celebrates all parts of you
You take radical self responsibility to live and express yourself unfiltered, unapologetic, and with full integrity of who you truly are and what you value
Your success is rooted in your innate genius and gifts instead of the rules, expectations, and rituals you’ve learned from indoctrination & practice
You know that on the other side of challenge and adversity is joy and aliveness, and you face them with fluidity, hope, trust, and steadfastness
Your main motivator is pleasure and joy as a fundamental birthright, not something that you have to earn, prove, or fight for.

It is my wish that every Luminaire woman finds her people who have let go of the Conformity Corset, sank deeply into themselves and are swimming and living fully in their Soul’s Story
Just sink in and imagine for a minute...what it would feel like for your outside life to match the story your Soul is telling on the inside?

What if you no longer have to lock your Story away from people due to familial conditioning, religious beliefs, gender beliefs, professional expectations, or simply so you don’t get cancelled?
What if instead of editing, filtering, or censoring your Story, you could unapologetically and authentically Live in it — while maintaining deep connection with people who LOVE you and see you as "just right" instead of "too much?"
What if by living fully in the light of your Soul's Story, it gives other people -- your friends, family, kids, colleagues, and spouse -- permission to do the same?

This Is All Available to You!

I know deeply that your filtered and edited and hidden away parts are the BEST parts of you.
I know you were born to live in the light of your Soul's Story, surrounded by people who adore you for your light.
I know there are people out there who are already hand-picked by your Soul to love and support you as you live fully and freely in the light of that Story.
Which is why I’ve created a beautiful masterpiece – Soul Story Alchemy, a program which allows you to sink AND swim — letting go of the Conformity Corset, and living from your Soul Story amidst other members of the Luminaire League.
I’d love to help you discover the freedom to set yourself free and illuminate your gifts into the world.
I've not only shared this method with clients for 20+ years
But I’ve also been invited to share my Story and expertise with thousands of others in leading outlets like...

My clients illuminate what is possible for you

Dawn Allen
This program is a life changer not only for my work but also – most importantly – for my family. I was working 60 hours a week – my purpose was to work as hard as I could to make my boss happy. In the program realized I was living my life based on conformity sandbags that weighed me down. For the first time in my life, I chose me over my job. I chose my family. I realized I am not defined by what I do. I have spent so much more on courses in my life and this program was by far more valuable that anything I have ever taken so far.

Kayla Fujimoto Epperson
My journey was made for so much more. I remember in my first conversation with Julie she asked what I valued most in life and what my hobbies and interests were. ​There was a long silence. < was REAL awkward feeling for me> I couldn’t answer her. I clearly remember staring blankly realizing I had become so caught up and lost in my career that I had lost myself. Flash forward through a lot of tears and triumphs and let me tell you, it was seriously life changing. The program laid the groundwork for the life and career I really deserved and dreamed about. It looked like starting my own business in the height of COVID with no current clients, no gigantic start up loan, no business cards, and no sign on my door. Now I ​​spend more time at home with my family, walk the dogs at lunch time and watch Netflix with my husband at night instead of doing 2 hours of work. I wake up excited and energized by the work I do rather than dreading another double booked day and working through lunch. I am making real life, genuine human interactions with so many other professionals who support me. WHOA! Now more than ever I am so excited and ready to take a stand for others in what they value most in life and turn that into a life and career that creates their legacy. If I can do it, you can too.
These clients are not magical unicorns. You can achieve what they've achieved, too.
I remember what it was like to be in your shoes right now -- swimming furiously to stay afloat, knowing deep down that I was made for SO MUCH MORE.
If someone would have told me that instead of swimming, I actually needed to just sink -- I would have gotten there a lot sooner. Live and learn, I suppose.
If you’re anything like me, you know that when you finally let go and get the right kind of support and guidance for you, you can stop trying so hard to figure it all out yourself
And finally break out of the Conformity Corset that's held you back for so long.
Sink AND swim into Soul Story Alchemy, and illuminate the freedom to

Harness your intuitive capacity for empathy to serve and support others while receiving support for your own needs and desires

Discover purposeful work with people who ADORE your keen intellect, intensity, intuition, sensitivity, and accomplishments all while challenging you to grow

Unleash your passions, crazed fan antics, and mad scientist interests with people who are just as passionate, nerdy, and supportive

Uncage your sense of adventure to explore the corners of the globe, cultures, events, and natural wonders that fill you with awe and wonder

Experience and embrace your tender and vulnerable parts in all their glory, uncovering the gifts contained within each one

Show up and shine authentically as yourself, unfiltered, unapologetic, and in full integrity to the story your Soul came here to tell