How to work with me
Pleased to meet you. How you been?
I can show you incredible things.
​For 20 years, I've guided and mentored women and girls to shine brightly in sports, healthcare, coaching, and marketing. In that time, one thing has remained constant - ​
I adore helping you illuminate the freedom to unapologetically shine as the most authentic version of yourself in your personal life, work, and relationships.
That's why I have several options for working together. Check them out below!

Are you a luminary woman looking for the freedom to unapologetically SHINE?
Good news. You're in the right place.
Something tells me if you've made it here, you're looking for one of three things:

You want support to love, live, work, and play in alignment with your Soul with
Personal Soul Coaching
You want guidance to grow your coaching or health business with
Personalized Marketing and Business Mentoring
You want to increase your skill and knowledge to coach and guide others with
Coaching Skills Courses and Mentoring Sessions
To provide the highest and deepest levels of support, I only accept 7 high-touch private and executive coaching clients per year.
We'll cover everything from sinking into your Soul's intended identity, purpose, and relationships to using narrative and Soul-rooted Storytelling to illuminate your personal brand (if applicable) and share your most authentic Self with the world.
If that's you, tap below to discover more about my personal and group Soul Story Alchemy coaching options for high achieving, executive, and entrepreneurial women
I currently offer high touch, one-on-one business and marketing coaching options to women entrepreneurs poised and ready to go ALL in to the next level of your business while honoring the most important parts of your life.
This is for the highly Soul-filled, creative, and deeply thinking/feeling entrepreneur who wants to be completely authentic and connected with your purpose and most ideal clients and therefore calling in magical amounts of income
If that's you, tap below to discover how to build and grow a joy-filled business that matches you in this and future seasons of life.
If you're a woman in coaching or healthcare who wants to go from being known and seen by your clients as the "fixer" and "healer" to instead gently and safely guiding them toward their own intrinsic healing power - I've got you.
You've probably felt that tug for quite some time now (or for your whole career!) that you're a square peg in a round hole. You see and do things differently. Your clients really love that you let them lead, that you really listen, and that you just "get them."
Tap below to discover courses and private mentoring options to solidify your specialty coaching, mentoring, and clinical skills.

I've not only shared this method with clients for 20+ years
But I’ve also been invited to share my Story and expertise with thousands of others in leading outlets like...