Sprout 🌱
A Spring Tea + Storytelling Ceremony
Harness the blooming energy of spring to unveil the next chapter of your Soul's Story
For women with a strong intuitive desire to
Reveal a new version of your Story with joy and courage
Root into the next phase of your work, business, or purpose
Immerse in a circle of women who get and encourage you
Thursday, March 20 | 12 PM ET (US) | Zoom | $39
(approximately 90 min)

🌱This is the golden age of something good and right and real 🌱
Are you a luminary woman who has planted big seeds in your life, career, or relationships … and now it’s time to Sprout into the next Era of your Story?
If you're nodding, then nice to meet you, how you been? 😉
I created this delightful SPRING Tea Ceremony just for you (and for me! Because same...)
Root in the energy of the SEASON while clarifying and blooming the story of your next chapter
PRIME your compass so you can birth your gifts with direction and purpose
Pull weeds and gently RELEASE the elements of your story that inhibit your growth
Plant the seeds of your desires with INTENTION, setting yourself up for an abundant harvest
NURTURE a self-sustaining story that dazzles you and regenerates with each season to come
Envision and celebrate what it will look like to GATHER and harvest the fruits of your spring planting
Not only will you walk away with rooted and bloomed energy to unfurl the next iteration of your Story
But you'll also get to hang in fellowship with the coolest ladies on the internet ready to toast to your co-creative power
What's this tea party and storytelling ceremony all about?
Who you are and what you do with your life these days probably isn’t the same as it was 10, 5, 2 years ... or even 2 minutes ago.
You’re the type of being who evolves and shifts with the seasons.
And while much of the world still sees you as a past version of yourself, you know deeply that now, that's not the story you want to tell anymore.
Bit by bit, you’ve been dismantling, unlearning, reprogramming, and revising your narrative.
You’ve dreamed up the details and energy of your new Story. You’ve waited patiently and “wintered” perfectly.
But now that it’s spring, you can FEEL the energy germinating, growing roots, gestating, and percolating inside of you
This energy is SO alive in you – you practically can’t sit still.
🌱It's been a long time coming 🌱
You want SO BADLY for the story inside of your Soul to align with your life on the outside, whether it involves
Your Identity (how you and others see you) - you've shifted what you believe and embody, you've explored your gender, sexuality, religion, spirituality (or some combination of all of the above)
Your Purpose (what you do and who you serve) – where and how you work, how you earn and feel about money, how you serve people in your work and community
Your Relationships (who you love and who loves you) – who encourages you to be yourself, how you parent, how you collaborate with others, your marriage or intimate partnerships, your friendships, your identity and role within your family
And the problem is - because you're sandwiched between old & new versions of your story - you feel like you’re living inauthentically.
You aren’t revealing the full truth about who you are, what you’re here to do, who you’re here to serve, and who you surround yourself with.
…and now, it’s time to let go of the old stories and allow the new ones to Sprout, Unfurl, and Grow into your next Era.
Currently, you're like a caterpillar in the cocoon. You’ve thrashed and fought and struggled.
I’m right there with you, time and time again.
🌱Long live all the mountains we moved 🌱
Or it could be that something has shifted or changed recently. A job. A relationship. How you see and feel in your body or marriage or friendships or family.
So maybe you’re still struggling.
Either way, you sense that the seasons are shifting, and it’s time to emerge into the light.
🌱You gotta step into the daylight … and let it go, let it go, let it go 🌱
And in a world that tells you to hustle, push, force, go faster, be efficient, plow through – you feel a little wobbly stepping into the light on your new sea legs
If you feel vulnerable to step forward, this makes perfect sense.
You're birthing something new. Like a young seedling that is vulnerable to a late spring frost.
Or like an awkward baby giraffe on too-long-legs. Or a newborn human baby.
You wouldn’t expect a newborn baby or new plant to instantly become a “productive” and have all their shit together.
No, what you sense is that you're Sprouting, and you need extra care, attunement, and nourishing.
You know it’s going to take time to fully emerge, grow, and unveil your newest Story.
But you’re DONE with the masculine "push, plow through, force, hurry, go faster" culture.
You want to shift and allow your Story to emerge into the daylight in a way that is intuitive, that honors your inner rhythms and the rhythms of nature (which you know are one and the same).
This is why I developed this tea party and storytelling ceremony - right here on the Spring Equinox - a cosmic time of sprouting energy, new expansion, and budding growth.
As feminine types, this is a PERFECT time to tap in to your inner garden so that you can cultivate incredible things in your life for seasons to come.
My hope is that you can harness this energy and use it to fuel the desires and visions already inside of you.
So grab your favorite Tea Party bevvy (tea, coffee, cocktail, or mocktail), bring some finger sandwiches or snacks, and let's toast to you and all you're SPRINGING into!
Sounds amazing, right? I can see you nodding now,
which means it’s time to get your hands on this quiz
🌱At tea time, everybody agrees ...
Shine & Soar
Harvest & Release
& Sprout
Rest &
Like all things in nature -- you and your Story are built to naturally ebb and flow through various seasons and energetic states of life.
At the birth and developmental stage of your Story, things are Sprouting, and are vulnerable and need a lot of tending, cultivating, and pacing (SPRING)
Once you're steady on your feet, you shine fully and energetically in your Story with confidence, assuredness, and illumination (SUMMER)
Eventually, that iteration of your Story matures and it's time to reap the harvest -especially when it comes to your work and your relationships (AUTUMN)
And finally, it shifts back into the rest and gestation phase - where you rest, digest, and new visions of your next chapter formulate under the surface (WINTER)
If you've been feeling like things are slow and sluggish, and you're itching to get your story out - good news. You're right on time.
The Deets
We will meet on the Spring Equinox when the sun is at its apex
(In my time zone, at least 😉)
Date: Thursday, March 20, 2025
Time: 12 PM Eastern (US)
Where: On Zoom
Entry fee: $39
Rough timeline: 90 minutes
Bring: Your fave tea, coffee, mocktail, cocktail, snacks, tea cakes, stuffy, dog, blankie...
Basic agenda: We’ll have a gathering & ceremony followed by an opportunity to ask questions and receive support and coaching on anything that comes up
Who is this for?
This is for Luminaire Women who are big thinkers, deep feelers, leaders and mentors in your life, work, and relationships
One of my most treasured gifts is to simultaneously help you put words around the hard-to-describe parts of your Story and reveal them in a way that's palatable, tangible, and fun.
If that sounds like your jam, I invite you to join us as we SPROUT
Theme & Dress Code: Spring Tea (Optional)
If you feel aligned – Think Derby hats, sundresses, pastels, florals, spring colors, cute pants and tops … or whatever would make you feel fully YOU at a traditional Spring Tea.
If you’ve been in my corner of the internet at all, you know I love a good theme party. But just because I’m dressing a certain way doesn’t mean that you have to.
The dress code is optional, but here’s what’s not –
This is an active, participatory ceremony. You'll be moving, speaking, and engaging. And if you're an introvert who just read that - you only have to engage when it feels cozy and safe. Nothing forced, promise.
It’s not a sit-back-and-be-a-fly-on-the-wall-with-your-camera-turned-off-while-you-fold-laundry kind of Zoom experience.
🌱I don't know why but with you I'd dance in a storm in my best dress 🌱
🌱I'm enchanted to meet you 🌱

Hey there! I’m Julie, a Soul Storytelling Guide and Truth Illuminator. You can think of me as the doula for your Soul's Story.
I've worn a lot of hats, told a lot of stories, and shifted my narrative through so many seasons of life -- seasons of growth, harvest, rest, and rebirth.
Career-wise, I've been a collegiate athlete, a card carrying career-ladder climbing clinician, researcher, professor, and speaker. I've been a solo clinic owner. I've mentored and coached thousands of women across the globe. I've led a teams of all sizees.
I've built a million dollar business that delighted me and I've also torn it down (on purpose) when I outgrew it.
Personally, I've had heartbreaks. People I thought were my closest allies turned out to be anything but.
I've had cancer. I've rewritten the narrative of my relationship with my body, mind, and Soul.
I used to "college athlete" my way through each narrative shift--thinking if I could just go faster it would be easier; but the very act of trying to skip over the vulnerable parts is exactly what made my nervous system, spirit, and body totally out of whack.
And it made me never feel fully rooted and grounded in whichever story I was telling.
Amidst all of that, the most important lesson I have learned is letting go of the masculinized, go-go-go approach to living, loving, working, being, and achieving.
Instead I've developed and stepped into a more seasonal, feminine approach.
The truth is -- as a female -- we are wired to be, do, and have differently. We are cyclical and "seasonal" creatures - just like nature, the moon, and the tides. We are also wired to be surrounded in community of like-minded females.
Most importantly, we as women are wired to receive, bless, and celebrate -- instead of living in a neverending hyper-competitive focus on what needs to be fixed, improved, or upgraded.
We are Divinely designed to co-create and celebrate among others who are here to challenge, nuture, nourish, and celebrate us just as we are.
I created this Spring Tea ceremony not only for you but for me. It's a wonderful time to pause and ground into our very super powers -- the Divinely feminine energies -- timed perfectly and intentionally with the seasons of nature.
I'd love to invite you to join this blessing and ceremony and come see what being fully attuned to yourself and your Story -- and being showered with attunement from other like-minded Souls who truly *get* you in this SPRING season.
🌱I want you to know I’m a mirrorball. I’ll show you every version of yourself 🌱
🌱 You might be thinking "Can I ask you a question?" 🌱
When is the Tea Party & how long will it last?
The tea party will be Thursday March 20 at 12 PM Eastern Time (US). It will last approximately 90 minutes. Maybe longer depending on how questions and coaching go.
Do I have to be a physical therapist or coach or business owner to attend?
Nope! The only requirement is that you be a woman / femme-identifying person who believes in the beauty of sharing and celebrating your story ... and who simply likes to hang out with those kinds of people too. But to the PTs, coaches, female athletes, entrepreneurs, and other specific groups I've specialized in serving in the past -- this is definitely for you.
What is on the agenda?
It'll be a joyful mixture of woo, sisterhood, visioning, narrative writing/scripting, and celebration. We'll have an invocation and blessing, followed by celebrations, energetic clearing & letting go, intention & desire setting, visioning and meditation, and of course -- story writing.
We’ll also be getting up and moving, creating, writing, and maybe dancing. It’ll be a somatic and joyfully ALIVE experience. We're definitely gonna shake shake shake shake...shake it off, shake it off. So it may not be the kind of thing you want to do from a coffee shop or the library unless moving and shaking in front of strangers is totally your jam!
After you sign up, I'll send you a list of things (that you likely have lying around the house) to bring.
You will receive "tending and befriending" -- support, coaching, and sistering from me (Julie) and/or from the group, whichever feels best to you to help ground you in your vision and help you move forward. If you are wanting to sit with your camera off and be a fly on the wall but not participate or receive, this is not the event for you.
Is it cool if I need to come late or leave early?
We'll be starting right at 12 PM ET. So that I can stay focused on the attendees and so that other people's experience is not disturbed and interrupted, I won't be able to let people in late. If you know that you tend to run late to things, now is the time to plan ahead to arrive right on schedule. If you choose to duck out early, no problem. I have faith that you will receive exactly what was meant for you in the time you are able to stay.
When you say Storytelling, do I need to be a writer?
Good question. And no, this is not about being a writer or publishing anything, though if you come up with something profound about yourself -- you might choose to use it in places you share your story like a personal brand, a book you're writing, a talk you're giving, a cover letter, and much much more.
I believe everyone has a Pulitzer Prize winning story within their Soul. and that story is meant to be harnessed and shared as you evolve. But so much of our culture and society teaches us that we must be a certain way, do certain things, align with certain people/groups/doctrines, call ourselves certain things, and hide certain parts of our story that are weird or too much.
So that means many parts of your Story go hidden, shamed, or they're never brought into the light to help you realize your deepest purpose, your most ecstatic moments, and your most meaningful relationships.
The most important stories we tell are the stories we tell ourselves and the world about who we are, what we do, and to whom we belong. It's a powerful gift to be able to wrap words around these parts of you, and often brings magical manifestations and deeply profound healing to use story and narrative in a way that guides you through each season of life.
Is this basically a webinar or coaching call?
No. I won't be flooding you with information. I'll be facilitating a blessing and ceremony. Some parts will be energetic and full of movement and activity. Other parts will be introspective and reflective with writing. Some parts will invite you to use your voice. Others will be quiet. It's a friendly blessing and celebratory party, in the vibe of Spring Tea, new birth, new growth, and a renewal of energy.
Is this a promo / will you be pitching or selling?
No. While I have hosted countless delightful events in the past that included an offer to join a program, that is not the intention of this event. That said, if you want to find out more about how we can work together, definitely reach out.
Since it's virtual, can I get the recording if I can't come?
Nope, not this time. The joy and expansiveness you'll feel from the event come from being fully present to give, receive and attune in a LIVE setting. If you aren't able to attend live, that's cool, and it may be best to sit this one out.
How can I get more support from you beyond this event?
I love that you're asking. I offer private support and coaching in lots of different ways. Shoot me a message (email, DM, text) and let's chat about what you're looking for and see if it's a great fit.
Is there a theme/dress code?
I'll be rocking my "spring tea" best, because as a work-from-home girly girl who usually lives in athleisure and also loves to go outside and play in the dirt, but ALSO loves to dress up, I always am looking for a reason to do that. I invite you to do the same -- but make that mean whatever is most meaningful to you. It could mean you wear a fun springy dress like you would to High Tea. Or maybe you'll rock your best tank and sweats, straight outta the gym, becuase that's when you stop at the coffee shop for a hot cup O'Joe. You do you, and wear what feels most "spring tea" themed to you. The pro of it being a Zoom event? You don't have to wear pants. In fact, I dare you not to.

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